Patterns of Expansion

This summer has been amazing, and not just because June presented us with stellar under-100-degree temperatures all month long. It seemed as though the rhythm of our community partners was in the flow of expansion this season. Everywhere we look, we see increased partnerships at unique events, amplified existing programs, and consistent forward-thinking, providing the launching pad for even more successful work.

Our local events have served as valuable hubs for providing excellent family resources. Events like the Wednesday Night Farmers Market in Red Bluff, Tuesday Night Market in Corning, and the inaugural Healthy Happy Summer event showcased expanded resources. Additionally, our Business with Books campaign, a part of First 5 Tehama’s Early Literacy work, has gained traction with more local businesses. This initiative allows businesses to showcase and inspire positive family relationships by offering accessible baskets of books, making a meaningful impact on our youngest children.

“We are all experiencing the impact of increasing prices,” shared Angela Brinkman, First 5 Tehama Coordinator. “Getting FREE books in the hands of our youngest children is a HUGE gift to our community,”

Partnership Expansions

Another notable expansion transpired in multiple partnerships behind the scenes. Pregnancy to Preschool continues to ensure families connect with the best fit early education resources – from home visiting to preschool. Together they celebrated the growth of Home Visiting reach via the slot expansion of two key agencies. First, the Tehama County Health Services Agency, offering Healthy Families Tehama blossomed. In addition, the Tehama County Department of Education, offering Help Me Grow, saw an influx of participants of parents as teachers. With family responses like these, we know the expanded impact will be positively felt for years.

Not only are more families being served by Healthy Families, but Tehama has also increased offerings to include Parent Nights. These exciting events will be focused on fun literacy activities to support our youngest children 0-3. For families interested in learning more, complete this form (HERE). For partners interested in learning more, email or

Regional Expansions

First 5 Tehama also spent time expanding its regional focus. As part of multiple regional collaborations, summer provided the space needed to double down on planning strategies and intentionally focus on regional impact. With the telling regional data tucked in our back pocket (shared in our previous email – HERE), it is clear that we have joint work to do to ensure our counties provide opportunities to thrive.

The Northern ACE Collaborative, established in 2019, developed a strategic plan for 2023-2024. This dedicated group of NAC members met to plan the future focus of the collaboration. The overall process and outcome were an inspiration. 

If you’d like to learn more about NAC and keep up to date on all the latest movements, sign up to receive the newsletter HERE.

Another regional powerhouse collaborative is the First 5 Northwest Region, made up of California’s nine northwest counties. The intense need for the earliest upstream prevention (prenatal to 5 years), coupled with the drastically decreasing funding of Prop 10 (read more HERE), requires the Northwest Region of First 5 Commissions to plan and leverage local resources to serve the entire region effectively. Practicing what they preach to educators about reflective planning, the First 5 Commission Executive Directors spent an intensely thoughtful planning day in Tehama County. The gathering resulted in actionable partnerships in communication, parenting education, and early mental health services. Be on the lookout for more information to roll out soon.

Physical Expansions

Lastly, we have LITERALLY expanded our view by relocating our office. As you receive this email, First 5 Tehama will likely be knee-deep in a physical move. We look forward to inviting the community into our new office this fall. Until then, please email or call with any questions, as we may be in transition and not in the building for a few weeks!

See what's new post it

Triple P News

POSITIVE PARENTING ENROLLMENT is open now for parents of teens or preteens. Triple P is a “can’t miss” opportunity, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Here is what some previous participants have to say.

“Triple P was such a great experience for our entire family.” 

“My husband and I learned why some of our current strategies weren’t getting the results we wanted and how to modify them to make them more effective. The program made us feel so empowered to make changes.”

“Our teacher facilitated meaningful discussions and explored different scenarios for all of our unique situations.”

Learn more and register – CLICK HERE.

Learning Opportunities for Teachers

DIVE INTO QUARTERLY UPK MEETINGS.These proactive work groups are intended to bring all early educators to the table to partner and plan for a high-quality Universal Pre Kindergarten experience that best meets the needs of children and families in Tehama County. Register HERE today.

ATTEND OUR UPCOMING TRAINING. Tehama County SELPA and Tehama County Department of Education Early Childhood Programs coordinated a hands-on training focusing on using DRDP in an Infant/Toddler, Preschool, or TK Classroom. Please save this date and encourage your TK teachers and any support staff assisting in DRDP assessments to attend. The training will be on August 14, 2023, at the Tehama County Department of Education. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!